Anneka Health Coach

Top Ten Benefits of Alcohol Free Living

1. Higher Vibrations! Alcohol lowers your vibrations, keeps you small and takes away your manifesting power. When you remove alcohol from your life, you are able to return to your natural, happy high vibe state. Life literally becomes delicious. Don’t panic if you don’t feel like this straight away when you give up- just know […]

1. Higher Vibrations!

Alcohol lowers your vibrations, keeps you small and takes away your manifesting power. When you remove alcohol from your life, you are able to return to your natural, happy high vibe state. Life literally becomes delicious. Don’t panic if you don’t feel like this straight away when you give up- just know that it is coming.

2. You get to work through your shit instead of stuffing it under the carpet

Your emotions are a part of your internal guidance system and they are an excellent tool to help you to work with the universe to manifest the life of your dreams. However, when we ignore and repress our emotions by anaesthetizing them with numbing behaviours like drinking alcohol we are literally sticking our fingers in our ears and ignoring the divine guidance of the universe. Yes, sometimes these feelings hurt or feel uncomfortable but that is ok. The quicker we listen to, acknowledge and act upon our feelings, the quicker we can deal with them head on and the quicker they dissipate. If we keep numbing and ignoring these emotions, then they keep coming back again and again until we take action. Each time we do fully listen and take action, we upgrade our lives. Alcohol keeps people stuck- it stops you from being able to listen to the nudges the universe is trying to give you to progress to the next level of manifestation in your life

3. You feel more in control with food

Are you someone who finds they eat a lot more when they have been drinking? Or that you eat a lot more the next day, or both?

When we are drinking, we are not able to regulate our blood sugar levels properly, which means that we can start to feel incredibly hungry after a few drinks. This, coupled with the fact that alcohol lowers your inhibitions can often lead to us eating a whole lot more than we would do if we were not drinking and waking up in the morning feeling guilt and shame about the excess calories we have consumed. If you include that fact that when we are drunk we are not really fully present- it feels like a bit of a con that when we consumed all of these calories, we were basically half asleep and were not even enjoying them properly anyway.

Most people also often experience an insatiable appetite the day after drinking. This is because when we go to bed intoxicated, the quality of our sleep is greatly reduced and our body is not able to create sufficient amounts of the hunger hormone leptin which regulates your appetite and signals to your brain that it is full. You may have also notice that this also happens if you go without much sleep even if you have not been drinking.

When we cut alcohol out of our lives not only do we come back into balance because our blood sugar is not all over the place and our hunger hormones can balance out, but ALSO we have tuned back in to our internal guidance system and can start listening to our body and working with it rather than against it again.

4. Better gut health

This might sound strange to you, but you gut health as a huge impact on your vibrations. Why? Because most of our happy hormones are made in our gut. If your gut is out of balance, your whole body is out of balance both physiologically and psychologically. Bad gut health can create chronic anxiety and depression as well as all sorts of other imbalances in your body that can lead to further health issues and guess what: alcohol is really bad for your gut health.

If you, like me find that even when you have stopped drinking, your gut health is not quite right, I highly recommend you invest in seeing a Functional Medicine Doctor to help you to work this out. I can guarantee that when you have invested your time and energy into ensuring your gut is in balance, you will notice a huge shift in your vibrations and anxiety and depression symptoms can literally disappear- this is certainly what happened for me. Read my upcoming book to find out more about my journey! Out soon!

5. Fresh and positive wake ups

No more waking up at 3am unable to get back to sleep. No more waking up in the morning and bracing yourself for the hangover. No more feeling slightly haunted all day.

Alcohol-Free living means waking up every morning with a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomouch and a positive outlook for the day ahead. You will feel more optimistic and start to enjoy the little things even more.

6. You get more pleasure from every day things

Here’s something that will blow your mind. Firstly, just accept that alcohol is highly addictive and that everyone who drinks alcohol more than once every two weeks is somewhere on the addictive spectrum. With this in mind, did you know that due to addictive pathways in the brain, once our brain has been wired to be addicted to a substance, it is wired to gain pleasure from only that thing and that life’s simple pleasures become less pleasurable because your brain chemistry is screaming: ‘I just want more alcohol?!’ Don’t believe me? Kelly McGonigall’s book: ‘The Joy of Movement’ looks specifically at the research that backs this up when she explores addictive pathways in the brain.

Any one who has gone sober for a decent period of time will tell you that life’s simple pleasures really do become more pleasurable, sunsets become more beautiful, sights, smells, cups of tea. You get the picture. Alcohol steals your joy. It’s a neurological fact.

7. Your life fills up with way more interesting hobbies, interest and friends

Once you stop anesthetising yourself, you may notice an initial period of boredom as you realise just how much extra time you have on your hands. My biggest piece of advice to you here is just to let yourself be bored for a bit because you know what happens when we do that? We think of something to do to amuse ourselves eventually. You will read all of the books you have been meaning to read, seek out new hobbies and make new friends, go to that 8pm gym/yoga class because you are not itching to get home and have a glass of wine. Your world will fill up with new interesting things to do and you will wonder how you ever found the time to drink alcohol.

8. No more taxi queues

No more waiting in the rain for taxis or buses. You get to skip out of the bar/club/restaurant, jump into your car and blast our your favourite music with the windows down before arriving and home and enjoying a pleasant wind down before bed. I enjoy a hot chocolate, clean pajamas and something on Netflix. There is something magical about this part of the evening when you haven’t been drinking. Much better than face planting a kebab and waking up with it half of it stuck to your face/pillow.

9. You get to really connect with people when you talk to them

When you stop drinking you start to realise just how much alcohol can really keep you in your own head. It consumes you with: ‘when can I have another?’ thoughts and slows down your thinking capacity as well as your vibrations, making you an only half present listener. When we turn up alcohol free we really turn up to listen to the people that we are meeting. You will feel much more present for you friends and much more connected to what they are telling you.

10. You know when you were being silly on a night out that it was just because you felt like it

Not that I do things like this much now, but back in my mid 20s I remember doing all sorts of silly things on nights out, like jumping in shopping trolleys and other such things when I was not drinking just because I felt like it. The wonderful thing about this is that when you wake up in the morning, instead of thinking ‘oh god, I can’t believe I did that, I must have been trashed, how embarrassing’ you think: ‘oh yeah that was fun, I did that because I felt like it and know I didn’t feel embarrassed at the time, so why should I feel embarrassed now’.  This is a feeling of being truly free.

If this list makes you feel excited to want to try out an Alcohol-Free lifestyle then why not reach out to me to join one of my group coaching programmes or even one to one coaching using the link below:

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85 Great Portland Street,
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