Anneka Health Coach

Journaling to Support Sobriety

How many times have you sat down to do some sober journaling and then not known what to write? We stop drinking. We embark on a journey of healing in sobriety. A journey of self- discovery. We want to heal. But then… tumbleweed when we want to look inwards. You are not alone. In a […]

Journaling to support sobriety

How many times have you sat down to do some sober journaling and then not known what to write?

We stop drinking. We embark on a journey of healing in sobriety. A journey of self- discovery. We want to heal.

But then…

tumbleweed when we want to look inwards.

You are not alone. In a Habit Study survey, it is reported that 40% of people who participated stated that they did not know how to journal or where to start.

Journaling to support sobriety is potentially an even higher percentage than this because Alcohol Free healing asks us to really look at deep underlying issues and not all of us are equipped with the skills to do this alone.

“Journaling to support sobriety”

What’s The Point?

An excellent sober journaling session is a powerful powerful thing. When done right, we can move into the shoes of becoming our own therapist. We can work through and make sense of our thoughts and gain insight about ourselves so that we can move forward with purpose and momentum. Excellent sober journaling practices can, I believe be as effective as seeing a coach or a councillor, if we are well versed with self-questioning skills.

In addition, journaling to support sobriety has measurable benefits, to not only our mental health but also our physical health. With participants in one study finding that it improved even their blood pressure and liver function and this study was not specific to alcohol free people either- so imagine the increase once alcohol is removed from the mix!,Boosts%20Mood.

Journaling to Support Sobriety and Up-levelling:

The very first time I stopped drinking, my life began to exponentially improve. I realised that I could no longer numb my feelings. Instead, I took to my alcohol-free journal every day to ‘file them away in my mind’.

Coupled with my daily poisoning routine, I was used to ignoring myself. Self-medicating uncomfortable feelings is what we’ve be taught to do. As children we are taught to do it with sugar. As adults, with wine. However, after years of doing this, I felt more and more stuck and stagnant in my life. Pouring wine down my neck in the hope that my feelings would go away was not working.

Eventually, when I started tuning into and listening to myself, in essence making sense of myself, I was able to move through my emotions and to Up-Level, to raise my vibrational set point and start manifesting more and more of what I wanted.

“Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.” – Jen Williamson

Journaling to support sobriety
Journaling can bring you back into a space where you are your own best friend.

What Makes a Good Sober Journaling Session?

“Journaling to support sobriety”

The quality of your sober journaling session depends on the quality of the questions you are asking yourself. The better the questions, the deeper you can go. Essentially, great therapists/coaches are excellent because they are expert at asking you the right questions.

Whilst I will always value having coaches and therapists in my life to drive me forward, the work I do in between by asking myself the right questions accelerates my growth and learning about what I need next.

Steps To Improved Sober Journaling:

Firstly, make it a pleasure- sit somewhere pleasant, make yourself a nice hot drink, light a candle and make it feel a real treat.

Secondly, make it consistent- little and often is best. You are developing a habit of checking in with and listening to yourself and how you are responding to your environment.

Next, develop a list of questions that help you get started- or use my journal linked below with guided questions.

Then, get used to digging deeper- when you have answered a question, the most powerful part is the follow up:

a. Why do I feel like that?

b. Where does that feeling come from?

c. If I could wave a magic wand and change everything, what would the outcome look like?

d. What is stopping me from stepping into those shoes now? What are my limiting beliefs?

e. What are the benefits and consequences of holding on to these limiting beliefs?

f. Can I find any examples of people who do not hold these limiting beliefs?

g. What would The Universe/my Higher Self tell me about those limiting beliefs?

Using structured sober journals can be a GREAT way to start your sober journaling journey as they provide questions and ideas to get you thinking about things in different ways. That’s why I created The Alcohol-Free Vibes Journal, to guide you on your Alcohol-Free journey of manifestation.

Journaling to support sobriety

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If you would like one to one support with healing and Up-Levelling on your Alcohol-Free journey then please click the link below to book your FREE Discovery Call with me and design a package that works for you.

Journaling to support sobriety
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Coaching By Anneka Ltd
85 Great Portland Street,
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